Finding space for reflection
When we commit to a coaching process, we commit to self reflection and self development. If we want transformation, we cannot play small. Often the time spent thinking in between coaching sessions is the most important part of the process.
At Space for Insight, your goals are important. As Stephen Covey says, "we begin with the end in mind," and you will get results in your work and life from the executive coaching process. At the same time, if you really want to maximize the coaching process, bring a spirit of curiosity to the process, so that you can delve deep into the depths of your psyche to discover different aspects of yourself that both help you and hinder you from being the Self that you were always meant to be.
"Everyone has talent. What is rare is to follow that talent to the dark places where it leads."
Erica Jong
The funny thing is, if we lose touch with who we are in all this busyness, it affects our confidence in and out of work because our true Selves have been suppressed! Once we come back home to ourselves, we perform better at work because we know where we stand and become more effective decision-makers.
Sometimes less really is more and the quality of work is more important than working 12 hour days. After all, we have learned from the dying that no one ever looks back and wishes that they had worked longer hours.
Over-identification with our work role (or any role) can make us wonder who we are if we are not that. Yet, in getting so caught up in what we do at work, we lose aspects of our humanity: who we are.
Tired of playing small?